Permanent residents of Oasis Valley, coveys of desert quail can be found in thickets, cottonwood groves, saltbush and rabbitbrush scrublands, old fields, house yards, and even far out into the creosote desert uplands.

^A male on the lookout on an old ranch backhoe.


^An older chick, growing into a subadult.

^A female, immature, and a House sparrow kick around the leaf litter.

^A group of quail having a salad of grape leaves in fall. They busily picked off bits of leaf on the vine until a disturbance somewhere caused all of them to freeze like statues for half a minute. Suddenly a Cooper's hawk flew by, scattering them with loud cries. The hawk missed and all the quail safely hid in a branch pile.

^A winter flock.

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